Ok first a confession; I am not really a Star Wars fan. Less of a never seen Star Wars more of a seen so many great films it kind of slips off the list. So that blot on my copybook of geek off my chest, I do get very excited about new films, especially one where there is chance of a revamp for an iconic franchise.

I was pretty happy then to be to be stood out in the cold at 11.00pm on Oxford Street outside the Disney store for TNR for the launch of Star Wars: The Force Awakens toys. As you can imagine R2-D2, Darth Maul and a lot of fans made for quite an atmosphere which only got more intense when the stars of the film turned up unexpectedly. 

Like Star Wars or not there is something comforting in a common bond so strong it caused the star of what could be this year’s biggest film to get genuinely excited that she had the same shoes as a grown woman queuing for a toy at midnight. Or maybe that is just the geek talking.....

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