This job has some down sides. Every time the answer to the question "What time is the job?" is don’t bother going to bed, you prepare yourself for the pain. So it was last week when I woke at 3.30 to drive to Salisbury, leaving the house in the dark in summer is about as much fun as it sounds. Muttering of who the hell wants to get up at stupid o'clock and why don’t I get a normal job ensues.
However the rest tends to be upside, you just get to see and do some amazing things. I was visiting Stonehenge to photograph Thea Hunt, English Heritage’s new child executive who was leading a group of children on a very special visit, with unsupervised access to the ancient monument. So as the sun came up through the stones, photographing something that has not changed in 5000 years you can’t help but feel lucky. Muttering of glad I got up and it is a pretty amazing job really ensues.