Please forgive my tribute to the headline writers of the national newspapers, I just felt it was appropriate.

Now the job in question is well worthy of a long and extremely sensible blog on sustainability of meat, whether vegetarians will eat beef which no cow has died for and the ethics and wisdom of lab grown meat. However I am a little bit too excited for that so I will just give the brief version.

So after years of complicated science growing enough beef from bovine stem cells to make a burger, the proof would be in the eating. I was sent by TNR Communications and Ogilvy to be exclusive photographer at the tasting of the first ever lab grown beef burger. At over £200,000 a pop I am afraid I was not allowed to taste, which was a bit of a disappointment as I do like to try new things. So all I can tell you is it looked like a beef burger but did not really smell of anything while it was cooking, that and it felt a little like I was in a movie about the future.

What was the upshot of all this excitement and controversy, pictures in every paper and three front page main pictures and insets on many more. So yes you would be right in thinking this blog is just a blatant excuse for showing off. Only thing I can say in my defence is that there is a special feeling that comes from getting a front page, just thought I would share it.

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