Holocaust Memorial Day
Yesterday was Holocaust Memorial Day which I was covering for TNR and the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust.
I will keep this one short as I think the subject speaks for itself. However in a atmosphere where just a couple hours before the world was set to remember the victims of Genocides throughout time, "the leader of the free world" felt comfortable extolling the virtues of torture, it is a tale worth telling. Especially if we consider that the results of elections and those elected can only be a mirror held up to the majority.
I have photographed many survivors of Genocides across the globe with the Aegis Trust and others. In my experience they have a couple of things in common, determination to be full of life in the face of death and to tell of the horrors they have seen in order to stop it ever happening again. But happen it does, again and again.
I have no intention of this blog being a political one or of making wild comparisons between current world leaders and past perpetrators of crimes against humanity. However with the rise of divisive politics and isolationist sentiment, I think it is worth looking into the eyes of these people and considering what other people were willing to do to them because they decided their race, religion or tribe was less than. Scary isn't it, how the stereotyping of one group can lead to the murder of millions of individuals.