Ahh the first day of London Fashion Week. If ever you should want a window in to the fun madness of London this is it. Fashion tribes all the way from chic to plain ridiculous all there to be seen, bloggers, vloggers and traditional media all jostling to see. Now add to this a wealth of people trying to put their message across to both and shove them all on to a narrow street in Soho to dodge the traffic and that is LFW.

I was there to shoot Superdrug protesting the taxing of tampons as luxury items, a government policy instituted after a poll found 90% of women described their period as luxurious, oh no wait it is just money generating nonsense. My job was to shoot as many cool people as possible holding boxes of luxury wrapped tampons, to highlight just how silly the policy is(no one said my job was easy). Even getting far back enough to shoot anything was an effort without the fact raising a camera would instantly attract at least 5 other cameras only to be scattered seconds later by a white van trying to kill all of us.

Oh and then PETA turned up, with 3 mostly naked women in gas masks protesting the continued use of fur in fashion. In tow were at least 15 press photographers (nothing a paper likes more than nakedness with a cause) with a few security guards trying to get rid of us all. It is a circus but a most enjoyable one, I can only hope an important message on inequality does not get lost in naked protest and celebration of vanity. Oh no wait….it will.



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