Just quick blog about the funny industry I work in. Back on the subject of art, I have had a couple of jobs recently that have produced some great pictures from art and artists. The first of these was a group portrait of a group of artists from Hong Kong exhibiting at the Saatchi Gallery. These were modern artists and I let the attitude of the subject do the work for me, sometimes simple is best. Just a clean group picture that somehow is just more than the sum of its parts (good job the woodern tank was not quite ready).
Then from modern art of the 21st Century to modern art of the 15th Century. I was sent by the FT to shoot a sketch by Raphael at Sotheby's Auctions. Entering the room was like a relegious experience, one small picture in a pool of light surrounded by black. Again a simple picture but with an altogether different feel.
The sketch went on to fetch 29.7 million pounds. Now back to the strange nature of my job, which one of these interpretations of art made front page of the FT? That’s right none of them. Just a straight copy picture of another peice of art. Well you never beat the feeling of getting a front page and there is no shame in being outclassed by an old master.