DOES A BEAR SIT IN THE WOODS? (not this one)
This one takes the tube. Here by popular demand is my blog on the Polar Bear that took over London and all of social media. They say never work with children and animals this one was no exception. Its own dressing room, constant brushing, only allowed 20 minutes of work before rest, in short a total diva. Well I can be pretty demanding and at least it did not maul me.
It was a freezing cold winter on the top Hampstead Heath, as the sun came up through the mist, it could not have been a better for a Polar Bear. The bear which (SPOILER ALERT) was manned by two extremely strong and talented men controlling an animatronic head took a little while to get ready but the result was almost unbelievable. It not matter how close or far away whether through the camera or in the flesh it looked like a real bear. It is a testament to the jaded Londoner that no one ran screaming, though we did get a tweet complaining about the clear cruelty to animals we were perpetrating.
Having been chucked off Hampstead no real nor indeed fake animals harmed (unless you count a couple scarred dogs) we moved on to a secret location deep within the underground. I can only give you a small clue, one of the last commuters who passed through was James Bond. We had the iconic location, a huge bear for the perfect PR picture only one more thing was needed, a cute child, oh wait we had one of those too.
Sometimes you know you have good pictures but you just can't predict the response, 3 shots in the Standard, Guardian, Times and round the world. Contacts from people on Polish magazines, Chinese publications and I just had a friend from New York tell me it was NBC this morning.
Now I just have to persuade him to go home. "Just get on the damn train"